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Instituut voor


Rave Cartography

The Rave Cartography course is a general course accessible to all, as well as a course required for the professional training programme. In the Cartography course, you will gain a much deeper understanding of how to integrate all the different aspects of the bodygraph.


Course Content:

The Homosapian with nine centres and the Mutation of the Human Cycle
The Genetic Imperative and Homogenisation
An in-depth study of the centres and their biology
Bodygraph mapping with the channels
Definition and Auras
In-depth study of Strategy and Authority
The mechanics of Profiles
Profiles - Right Angle, Juxtaposition and Left Angle

Students' charts will be used in the course and by the end of the course, students will have a much deeper understanding of their own charts and know how to arrive at a synthesis of all the information in a body chart.

The Living Your Design Course & and The Rave ABC course
The Profiles book (Dutch version on our website)
The Rave Cartography Student Manual (2 books, Human Design America)

©2010-2024 . All Rights Reserved © Jovian Archive Archive Media, Pte.Ltd. . is the International Rights Holder of The Human Design System and all knowledge derived from the teachings of Ra Uru Hu. The Rave BodyGraph™ and Rave Mandala™ are registered trademarks of Jovian Archive Media Pte.1992-2023

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